Monday, November 19, 2007

Episode 6 - The Cat Fight!

Previously on A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila: Michael B. got his balls waxed, then got eliminated, as did virginal Ashli (the elimination part, not the ball waxing). With male Ashley already gone, the fighting fell to the women, and Vanessa started coming to a boil.
A Shot at Love is averaging about one all-out brawl per episode, and the previews have already spoiled that we'll get another one tonight. Sadly, we have to wait until the end. In the meantime, we get a disgusting eating challenge
The remaining eight daters get their message in a bottle that informs them they'll need to prove they have exotic tastes. Apparently Tila Tequila is a fan of Fear Factor, because for no reason at all, we're getting a disgusting eating challenge. The prize for this competition is a one-on-one date in a champagne bubble bath, but that sounds more sticky and nasty than sexy.
Since we're dealing with lesbians and straight guys, the most difficult thing to give them is a bull's penis and testicles. Dani lets us know it's the first (and hopefully last) time she'll have a c*** in her mouth. Domenico is dry heaving from the start, and lets us know he typically eats bull penis for lunch, not breakfast. Bobby is going after that penis in a major way, while Amanda kills it for the ladies. Those two go head-to-head for round two, which includes eyeballs, a heart and a shot of blood. Amanda kind of freaks out, but Bobby is devouring it, having a good time. That man really wants a solo date. While licking his fingers, he asks Tila Tequila if this will be the meal at their wedding. He wins, and I suspect he has no taste buds or gag reflex, because that's the only way he could've done that so easily.
The losers are left to cook Tila a dessert. They get flour everywhere during a massive food fight. Steven and Brandi start play fighting, and he picks up a butter knife and holds it up to her, which freaks her out. He claims he was simply trying to smear some whipped cream that was on the knife onto her face. Brandi and Vanessa get into another fight about how Brandi is slutty and Vanessa is a drunk. Relax ladies, you're both slutty drunks.
In the champagne bath, Tila Tequila and Bobby have the standard romantic conversation where they bond emotionally. She's the last thing he thinks about before going to bed and the first thing he thins about when he wakes up. Bobby says "I love you," but it's not reciprocated.
Tila tries the desserts. Domenico's upside down cake is the worst thing she's ever tasted, probably because he put cream of tartar on it. Amanda's dessert is delicious. Afterwards, Tila is snuggling with Dani when Steven sneaks up to ruin her time, and Tila is impressed that Dani gets upset and stands up to him. She leaves, and Steven starts getting a bit aggressive in trying to kiss her, then he lays on top of her and starts going for it, and she's quite turned off. Similarly, when Brandi is getting some one-on-one time, Vanessa interrupts. Brandi plays the bigger person and just walks away. Tila is sick and tired of all this drama.
The next day, Tila Tequila wants to find out what everyone thinks of each other. Without voting for themselves, everyone is asked to write down who they think is most and least compatible with Tila. This should be interesting.
Bobby says: Most is Brandi, Least is Vanessa
Vanessa says: Most is Brandi, Least is Ryan
Dani says: Most is Domenico, Least is Vanessa
Steven says: Most is Bobby, Least is Domenico.
Brandi says: Most is Amanda, Least is Vanessa
Domenico says: Most is Dani, Least is Vanessa
Ryan says: Most is Dani, Least is Domenico
Amanda says: Most is Dani, Least is Vanessa
It's interesting that only two people think Tila is most compatible with a guy. In theory, all the guys should've said a fellow guy to make Tila think she belongs with a man over a woman. Dani is pleased to be thought of so highly, so she gets a special dinner with Tila Tequila. Domenico is upset to have two Least votes, but it's because he's too much of a cartoon. Vanessa is obviously upset, but she had it coming on account of being so crazy. Still, she gets a special dinner as well to explain herself.
At her dinner with Tila, Vanessa tries to talk about how she's a softie inside. She also keeps saying she doesn't want to talk about the drama, then does it anyway. Tila just eats and is annoyed by how much Vanessa is talking about herself. Well, this makes her decision easier for tonight. Naturally, we get a confessional of Vanessa saying how great the date was and how much they connected.
The Dani date goes well, and it's impressive because in this field of total nut jobs, Dani is coming across really well. Tila thinks the reason she's connected to Dani is because she gets the best of both words: a lesbian who kind of looks like a man.
A Shot at Love Elimination Time!Giantess Amanda gets the first key, and the squat she does to let Tila put it around her neck is hilarious. Bobby also gets a key, for the zeal with which he put a penis in his mouth. Ryan is safe, continuing to fly under the radar of everyone (cuz that's how us Flemingtonians roll!). Dani gets a key as well, so we're down to the final two of each gender. On the men's side, there's something about Domenico, so he's safe while overly aggressive Steven gets the boot. He starts to well up, then leaves with grace. Good for him.
Now, the moment we've all been waiting for! Brandi gets the last key, and before she even accepts it, Vanessa grabs her hair and takes her down! Girl fight!!! It is on and people rush in from everywhere to break it up. Vanessa is absolutely insane, and when she's held back, she flails her arms and knocks some glasses to the floor. She's in tears pleading with Tila that Brandi isn't there for her and she vows not to leave. Meanwhile, an obviously distressed Brandi is saying she's had enough. Before it's resolved, we get a "to be continued."
Next time on A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila: who goes home, and who stays. It certainly looks like both Vanessa and Brandi will be leaving while an eliminated girl will return.
All Of The Blogs But The 1st One Were Made By:-John Kubicek, BuddyTV Senior Writer(Image courtesy of MTV)

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