Monday, November 19, 2007

Episode 3 - Under The Covers!

Previously on A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila: straight men and lesbians faced off for Tila's love. Antagonistic Marcus, virgin Eddie, butch Steffanie and uncompromising Lala all went home. Southern boy Ashley and Italian Domenico forged an unlikely friendship, and the 17 remaining contestants prepared to move in together.
Everyone rolls up to move into Tila's mansion, and Rob the wrestler is excited to be living with all these lesbians. Tila Tequila lays down the only house rule: no hook-ups that don't include her. Domenico proves smart, saying that this is only a concern fo the lesbians, because the guys are not gay. That theory will be tested throughout the episode.
Once inside, they discover the twist: everyone must share one giant bed. Michael B. the pizza delivery guy, is happy because at home he sleeps on a small couch in his parent's house. Vanessa's only concern is having morning wood all over her, but if she does, the guys will get a stiletto up their ass. The contestants quickly start a pillow fight. Vanessa, clearly the star of this episode, gives Domenico an atomic wedgie. The funny Italian says he typically doesn't wear underwear to bed, but he'll make an exception with all these people, and it appears his undergarment of choice is a pair of Underoos. That seems more like a Michael B. thing to me.
Tila Tequila shows up for a A Shot at Love's Spin the Bottle/Truth or Dare hybrid. Almost everything we see has a distinctly homoerotic vibe. Bobby deep throats a bottle. Ryan swaps underwear with Krystal, and her thong is so small his nuts are hanging out. Domenico has to turn Brandi on, and he tries to tea bag her (if you have to ask what that means, you don't want to know). Ashley is dared to kiss Michael B. on the lips, and the good old southern boy does. Ashley's alleged occupation is elementary school teacher, and I have to imagine that job won't be waiting for him when he gets back from this show..
Tila Tequila says the house has a secret room. It' a Champagne Room, complete with stripper poles. Vanessa claims to be a go-go dancer, but while sliding on the pole she falls off right on her head. I could watch that fall all day long. Tila takes off to have some more make-out time with Rebecca, and Domenico interrupts. Then while Tila has time with Steven, mama's boy Michael B. interrupts to prove he's a man. That is difficult when he announces he rides a bike to work. I get a visual of him delivering pizzas on a bicycle, and it's kind of genius. The cheesy bread goes in the basket.
Afterwards, Rebecca gets quite drunk, makes out a bit with Brandi, then has some touchy flirtation with Steven. At night Domenico is doing some creepy people watching, and he notices Rebecca and Steven are engaging in some undercover action, with some heavy breathing.
The next morning features an outdoor carnival. Tila Tequila is dressed like Daisy Duke. In other wardrobe news, Rob is wearing a shirt with an arrow pointing down that says "Free Pony Rides." On the Sexual Innuendo Ride Scale, that's about 12 notches below mustache. Vanessa hates all the games, while Ashley is reminded of his carnie roots.
When everyone chills with Tila, Domenico lets her know that a guy and girl hooked up last night, using a stuffed animal to demonstrate, and it's hilarious. Steven shows up to protect his good name and yell at Domenico for being a Gossip Boy, but the Italian Stallion awesomely snarks that he never said anyone's name, so Steven actually outed himself by getting upset. Ashley arrives to back up his main man, Little Italy. He includes information that the girl was Rebecca, but perhaps the undercover action just involved belly rubbing and back scratching. Brandi defends the purity of the actions, while Ashley concurs with his sidekick that it was "sexual movement." When Tila confronts Rebecca about the rule infraction, Rebecca lets it slip that she kissed Brandi last night. Ha! That wasn't even why she was being busted. People keep digging their own graves this episode.
To put this drama behind her, Tila holds a pie eating contest. Tila orders everyone to "lick my pie," and Rob practices his motor boating skills. He's really just the Todd from Scrubs. Butch Dani the fire fighter wins and is pretty awesome, telling a cute story about the first time she got with a girl. Tila's only concern is that she's typically attracted to lipstick lesbians, and Dani is more Hilary Swank in Boys Don't Cry.
A Shot at Love Elimination Time! Tila Tequila has to send five more people home, which is good because this show has way too many people. Ashli gets the first key, followed by Bobby, Ryan, Amanda, Vanessa, Dani, Ashley, Sara, Michael B., Domenico and Steven. That leaves one key left, and after about 10 minutes of close-ups of the remaining contestants, Brandi gets the final key. If you don't have a score card at home, that means the five people going home are: Rob, Krystal, Alex, Eric and Rebecca.
Next time on A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila: a "Bi"-athlon, the lesbians get seven minutes in Heaven, the men spend time in S&M Hell, and Ashley gets into what looks like a HUGE fight that requires an ambulance. Awesome.
All Of The Blogs But The 1st One Were Made By:-John Kubicek, BuddyTV Senior Writer(Image courtesy of MTV)

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