Monday, November 19, 2007

Episode 2 - Can't We All Just Get Along?

Previously on A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila: 16 straight guys tried to woo Miss Tequila, including one live-action version of Super Mario named Domenico, who has a fondness for Italian flag speedos. Sixteen lesbians also tried to win her over, mostly by dressing up in sexy outfits. After five of each group were eliminated, Tila invited everyone to the pool, where the two groups got their first look at each other and were told the twist: Tila is bisexual and dating all of them.
We begin right away as the two genders mingle with one another. For the most part, it goes over pretty well, but there are a few awesomely ignorant people. Ashley and Domenico don't understand it, and neither want to share their woman with another woman, unless it's at the same time. Brandi takes on Domenico, mocking his little package in his speedo. Lala is not really into sharing either, proving that the ignorance doesn't fly one way. Ryan breaks it down easily: Tila will have to choose which one she prefers, the penis or the vagina. That's followed by a brilliant moment where he says he prefers the penis, and while it's obvious he means he would prefer if Tila chose a penis, his comments could easily be taken out of context.
Marcus pushes Domenico into the pool when the Italian tries to crash his Tila time. Ashley, Domenico's BFF in the house, rushes to his defense, once again wanting to just punch Marcus into an early grave. More likely than not, Marcus would just land onto another reality show - what can I say, the dude is a hardcore fame whore, as this is his third attempt at becoming a reality TV star. A fight actually breaks out, and you can tell it's real because a bunch of production dudes in suits storm in to break it up. Ashley is a hothead, though he does come out the obvious victor. After they're broken up, Marcus starts talking a lot of trash, telling everyone to kiss his behind while mooning the onlookers. It's so sad, because he's the kid in school who gets bullied, and when the principal shows up, he gets this smug look on his face and starts taunting the bully, oblivious to the fact that the bully is just going to beat him up when the principal is gone again. Inevitably, Ashley goes after Marcus again, and takes him down in one move.
While the epic man fight breaks out, Tila gets some space and shares a personal moment with Rebecca, which ends in some nice lesbian make-out action. The other men are shaking their heads in disappointment, because the lesbians are stealing all the quality Tila time. The only woman not getting into the fun is Lala, who storms out. Tila gives chase, but Lala just has to go because she's full-on lesbian and doesn't go for that bisexual stuff.
Bobby is totally cool with loving whoever you love. Ashley is cool with it too, because a couple of his girlfriends have been lesbians, which instantly raises plenty of questions about whether he is the kind of guy who attracts lesbians, or if they were just trying to get out of dating him. Vanessa doesn't think Ashley is cute, but she does flirt with some of the other guys as part of a strategy to get their attention off of Tila so she can swoop in. Clever girl.
Alex, a dancer, has a lot of gay and lesbian friends, so he's super tolerant. Sara loves him, but wishes he was gay, I suspect, with enough alcohol, he's at least partially bisexual. Another popular guy for the lesbians is virgin Eddie, whose adorable quotient raises exponentially when they learn he plays Aladdin at Disney Land.
The guys get their first challenge, which involves doing a runway walk in women's shoes. Alex claims they'll never catch him on camera wearing high heels, but then he does. Michael B. the pizza delivery guy, reveals that he did this back in the second grade, which falls under TMI. Marcus struts his stuff, but loses all credibility, as if he had any left, when he uses the d-word (rhymes with bikes).
The girls just have to do 20 push-ups, and when it's done, Marcus slaps Sara on the bottom, which adds another level of sketchiness. Next the two genders performa task at the same time, and i takes place in a foam party. They must find one of three tokens for some special alone time with Tila. It devolves pretty quickly into sexy people wanting to have some sexy times, particularly Michael B., who just sits there praying a lesbian bumps into him and gives him a moment of happiness to make him forget he still lives with his parents. The winners are Rebecca, who already had some quality alone time, Eddie, the virginal Aladdin, and Eric.
On the private date, Tila cozies up to Rebecca, and Eddie is a little too reserved and shy, to the point where he can't even bring himself to kiss Tila. Instead, she makes out with Rebecca (again), Eric works in a lesbian bar, so he's used to that action. When she heads out, Eddie can only muster enough to give her a handshake. He could be too sweet, which may be a problem. That night, Tila must pick four more people to leave (aside from Lala, who's already gone), and then the remaining 17 will move into the mansion.
A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila Elimination Time! Sweet Eddie gets the boot because she's not down with the virgin thing. Grace is gone, because they just don't mesh. Butch Steffanie is out as well because Tila still just doesn't know anything about her. The final person going home is Marcus, which is awesome of Tila, refusing to keep the person who causes all the drama. His fake butt is out of here. Right now, the men have a slight 9-8 advantage.
All Of The Blogs But The 1st One Were Made By:-John Kubicek, BuddyTV Senior Writer(Image courtesy of MTV)

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