Monday, December 10, 2007

Episode 9 - She's A Little Promiscuous!

So Everyone Goes To Cancun, Mexico!!! I LOVE MEXICO!!! They Were All Having A BLAST!
They First Got To the Hotel, and It Looked Like Bobby Hadn't Gone Out For A While, Because He Was Freaking Out
About The Hotel Having An Elevator. TB@BR!!!! LOL!!!! (The Bell Already Been Rang!) It's My Friend's and My Joke!
So They Start Having Fun By Playing In A Pool With Dolphins!!!! They Were Having So Much Fun, Then Tila Chose A Date, and
Guess Who She Chose? Amanda, That's Right The Not So Good Looking Girl When She's Not Wearing Any MakeUp Girl! LOL!!! So Bobby Was A Little Jealous and He Was Saying Rude Stuff, and Before Amanda Left, She Said "Don't Worry Guys, Just Think About Me and Tila Having Sex" WOW! What A Betch!!! So Amanda Makes Out With Tila, Then They Have Some Dinner, and Guess What She Said About Dani? She Told Tila That Dani Was A Little Promiscuous!!! WHAT A BETCH!!! Lying About Dani Isn't Gonna Help You Betch! Then They Went Up To Tila's Room, Where They Pretended To Be Dolphins In The Bathtub! The Next Morning Bobby Was Stupid, and Jealous. So He Bothered Tila and Amanda, and Dani Was Just There, Looking CUTE! Then It Was Time For Bobby's Date With Tila, and They Had A Romantic Dinner By The Ocean, and Then When Things Got Hot!!!!! Tila Invited Him To Her Room, and The Door Closed! BANG!!! Then In The Morning, Dani Was Excited For Her Date With Tila, and She Got Dressed, and When Tila and Dani Were At The Dinner Table, Tila Cried, Because Dani's Words Were So Beautiful! (LOVE YOU DANI!!!) "Cough" Sorry About That! Well, Then Dani Went Up To Tila's Room and Slept All Night There :) and When They Came Back, Amanda (HEY GIRL HEY!!!!) and Bobby (HEY BOY HEY!!!) Were Totally Jealous Of Dani! Then When They Got Back To LA, Guess Who Was Eliminated!!!!? That's Right The Blonde Hair, With A Fake Smile, With The 40 Pound Chicken Breasts, and That Not So Beautiful Face When She Doesn't Wear Any Make Up Fake Betch, That's Right I'm Talking About Bobby, Oh That Shocked You Didn't It? LOL!!!!! NO!!! Amanda Was Eliminated!!!!! BYE BYE!!!!
~~Victor Hugo~~

Friday, December 7, 2007

Episode 9 - Tila Meets The Parents

So Tila Traveled Around The US, and Met The Parents. Bobby's Parents Weren't So Happy, But By The End They Liked Tila. Then Tila Met Amanda's Family. She Loved Them, and The Dad Wasn't Shocked When Tila Told Him That She Was Bi. LOL! Then When Tila Went To Ryan's House, She Was Like WOW! Ryan's House Is A Mansion, and The House Is So Cool! So Then Tila Meets The Parents, and When She Told Them That She Was Bi, They Were Like Oh! When They Were Eating Tila Was Talking About Nipples LOL! Ryan's Mom Was Like "We Don't Usually Talk About Nipples At The Dinner Table". What's Also Funny Is That Tila Thought Ryan's Sister Was Hot. Then When Dani's Family Met Tila, They Were So Sweet To Tila, and I Love Dani's Mom, and I LOVE DANI!!!! She's Gonna WIN!. By The Way: Tila Gave Granny A Lap Dance! LOL! and At The End Of The Show, Guess Who Got Eliminated? I Will Give You Some Clues: Muscular, Is It Dani? No! It's RYAN! Next Episode! Tila Will Go To Mexico, Cancun! and They Are Gonna Have Some Fun Down There!
~~Victor Hugo~~